• December


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    Re-insulating Your Attic

    Re-insulating Your Attic

    Sometimes, the usually unseen elements in your home can be the most important when it comes to saving money on your energy bills. When it comes to insulation, for instance, re-insulating your attic with new insulation, or by adding more, can save you between 10 to 20 percent on your energy bill every month. If

    • September


    • 2614
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    Questions to Think about When New Home Shopping

    Questions to Think about When New Home Shopping

      With the Fall Parade of Homes underway, I thought it might be worth some time to address some things you might not consider when shopping — or even just window-shopping — for a new home.   What’s behind the sheetrock? I know it’s thoroughly predictable that an insulation contractor would start with wondering ‘what’s

    • April


    • 2758
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    Home Automation Experiments

    Home Automation Experiments

      Since finishing our new office up in Kechi and a highly educational jaunt to the International Builder’s Show back in January, we’ve started experimenting with some of the Home Automation devices (the skeptical might call them ‘toys’) that are available. The two devices we’re playing wi-, I mean, professionally using at the moment are

    • October


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    Selling with Energy Efficient Mortgages

    There are many ways of approaching Energy Efficient Mortgages (or EEMs) but simply being aware of them can be worth the extra attention – and qualify more buyers. Potential buyers can qualify for larger houses through energy efficient building. An FHA-approved lender can expand the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio by 2% because financial institutions that offer

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